What We Do

The FAC coordinates a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) approach in response to allegations of severe child abuse in Navajo County. We facilitate a comprehensive, coordinated approach to these cases that not only results in more successful investigation and prosecution outcomes, but also provides a better and less traumatic response to the child victims and their families. The MDT consists a team of Law Enforcement, Department of Child Safety, prosecutors, Medical and Mental Health professionals, Victim Advocates, and Forensic Interviewers.

After a child is referred to the FAC by law enforcement or Department of Child Safety (DCS), a forensic interviewer listens to the child’s story by asking non-leading, developmentally-appropriate questions as the child talks about the trauma he/she has experienced. Law enforcement and DCS professionals observe from a separate room. The forensic interview reduces trauma for the child and provides a stronger foundation if the case goes to court.

The goal of a forensic interview is to gather pertinent information from children in a neutral, non-leading, developmentally sensitive, and legally defensible manner.

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